Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Waseda University--早稻田大学资源与环境工程学院



  In the past, the earth was assumed to be infinitely capable of supporting human activity. However, the unprecedented growth of the human population and technologies has induced anthropogenic impacts in the climate and environmental system of the earth. The energy and mineral resources, which sustain human welfare, were concentrated and deposited in the earth crust 4.6 billion years ago. However, if mankind continues with a similar rate of increase in energy and resource demands, there is no doubt that these resources will eventually be exhausted. Furthermore, human activity has induced global environmental problems such as global warming, drought, sea level rise, climate change, deforestation, species extinction, ozone depletion, and environmental problems due to pollution.

  It is an urgent and important task for mankind to develop practices and to create innovations to overcome these crises in resources and the environment. Constructing a recycling system for resources will reduce waste and is vital to maximize the effective use of finite natural resources. This system must be environmentally sound and be sustainable. The mission of the Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering is to improve the human life through “the development and promotion of sound, sustainable environmental systems and practices of recycling and production of natural resources” and to educate future generations of resources and environmental engineers.